Pet Therapy at Regency Nursing Centers

Did you know that Regency Nursing Centers encourage visitation not only from family members and loved one, but also from their huggable and lovable pets?

Spreading the love!
Spreading the love!

That’s right.

Pet therapy is an important component of our recreation program and our residents love when we come around with pets for them to interact with.

We are actually innovators in this area and of course there have been many Nursing Homes who have rushed to imitate us (“imitation is the best form of flattery” and we are quite familiar with the concept at Regency Nursing) and that’s ok, because we are glad to set the standard!

You see, Regency Nursing is about providing our resident with an overflowing abundance of love. I always say that we don’t simply heal the physical, but also look after the emotional wellbeing of every individual under our care.

We take great pleasure in seeing the happy faces of our residents when they get a chance to cuddle with our pets.
I just saw our beloved Al Morris at the facility with his dog in tow. He was going around spreading the love and our residents were thrilled!! Take a look:

Al's dog with one of our Residents!
Al’s dog with one of our Residents!
"Man's best friend"
“Man’s best friend”

Of course, we do have certain stipulations for visiting pets.

The pet should:

1. Have all current vaccinations
2. Be healthy
3. Be housebroken
4. Have a current ID name tag, address and telephone number
5. Have an annual check up by the Veterinarian
6. Be controlled by leash, command, crate or tank

The pet should NOT:

1. Be in estrus (heat)
2. Have parasites (tics, fleas or lice)
3. Be sick (i.e. vomiting, diarrhea

For more information, please contact the Regency Nursing Center Recreation Departments at

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