How Seniors Can Combat Financial Exploitation

Brought to you by The Regency Alliance on Senior Healthcare.

In today’s increasingly technological world, seniors often find themselves in the crosshairs of financial predators, necessitating a robust defense strategy to protect their assets and financial health. This guide from Regency Jewish Heritage, offers several critical steps for seniors hoping to bolster their financial security and build confidence in managing their personal finances effectively.

Safeguarding Personal and Financial Data

The foundation of financial safety lies in the protection of sensitive information. Seniors are advised to meticulously destroy unnecessary sensitive documents, create complex passwords for their online accounts, and remain cautious about disclosing personal details, particularly in unsolicited interactions. The practice of regularly updating passwords and employing two-factor authentication greatly enhances one’s security posture.

Digital Document Security

In the realm of digital security, transforming financial documents into password-protected PDF files stands as a wise strategy for enhancing protection. This process effectively limits access to unauthorized users and safeguards the privacy of critical financial details. You can also utilize intuitive tools that allow you to extract a specific section if necessary, along with modification of margins or alteration of page sizes.

Being Proactive Against Scams

 Knowledge is a powerful deterrent against fraud. Seniors benefit from staying informed about the latest scams targeting their demographic. This awareness enables them to recognize and avoid potential threats, adopting a proactive approach to safeguard against exploitation.

Diligent Financial Oversight

The importance of regularly reviewing financial statements and accounts cannot be overstated. Such vigilance facilitates the early identification of unauthorized transactions, allowing for prompt corrective measures. Fortunately, many financial institutions now provide tools and alerts to aid in this critical monitoring process. Adopting a routine checkup of financial activities can serve as a strong habit, ensuring no detail is overlooked.

Trusted Financial Guidance

Appointing a reliable individual to help oversee financial transactions introduces an invaluable layer of security. This trusted partner can provide important insights, help avoid financial missteps, and ensure decisions are made with the senior’s best interests in mind, thus enhancing overall financial management and peace of mind. Regular meetings with this advisor can reinforce understanding and alignment on financial goals and strategies.

Strengthening Cybersecurity

Just as protecting physical assets is crucial, so is securing one’s digital presence. Installing reputable antivirus software and a firewall, coupled with enabling automatic updates, forms a solid defense against malware and viruses. Engaging in secure browsing habits and regular system scans strengthens this protective barrier.

Caution with Urgent Financial Decisions

Pressure to make immediate financial decisions should always be met with skepticism. Seniors are encouraged to take their time, seeking the input of trusted advisors or family members. This careful approach helps prevent impulsive decisions that could lead to financial loss or exploitation. Creating a checklist for evaluating such decisions can provide a systematic way to assess risks and benefits.

Understanding Legal Financial Instruments

A thorough comprehension of legal and financial arrangements, such as powers of attorney and joint accounts, is essential. Being informed about the implications of these can safeguard against their misuse while enabling effective financial management.

Empowerment in the face of financial exploitation stems from being well-informed, vigilant, and strategic. By adhering to guidelines like strengthening cybersecurity and digitizing essential financial documents, seniors can markedly diminish their risk of fraud, ensuring not only the security of their finances but also the preservation of their independence and tranquility. Remember, the goal is not just to protect assets, but to maintain a sense of autonomy and reassurance in one’s financial affairs.

Age Gracefully: The Senior’s Essential Guide to Healthy Living

Brought to you by the Regency Alliance on Senior Healthcare – “Where Caring Comes to Life!”

Getting older is a fact of life. Navigating the challenges and opportunities of aging involves more than just a youthful mindset; it requires thoughtful strategies aimed at maintaining optimal health and well-being. That’s why focusing on a variety of lifestyle choices can make all the difference. In this article, Regency Jewish Heritage Nursing and Rehabilitation explores some essential tips for living healthily and happily in your golden years.

Replenish Body Fluids

Dehydration might seem like a minor concern, but it can have severe implications for seniors, such as an increased risk of urinary tract infections and kidney issues. What many people don’t consider is that you don’t have to rely solely on water to stay hydrated.

Fresh produce like watermelon and cucumbers contain a high percentage of water and can contribute to your daily hydration needs. Popular Science notes that technology like smart water bottles can remind you to stay hydrated by tracking your water intake and sending reminders.

Be Mindful of Alcohol and Rehab Availability

Moderation in alcohol consumption becomes increasingly important as we age, given the heightened risks of health issues like liver disease and susceptibility to falls. If you find it challenging to cut back, specialized programs at in-state addiction treatment centers offer targeted support tailored to your unique needs. Start by locating treatment help nearby.

These facilities often employ a holistic approach that takes into consideration the specific challenges older adults face when dealing with alcohol abuse. Plus, technological tools, such as apps designed to monitor and moderate alcohol intake, can serve as valuable supplements to professional treatment plans. Before selecting a rehabilitation facility, it’s essential to investigate the treatment options they provide, their qualifications and certifications, as well as feedback from their patients.

Abandon Tobacco Use

Smoking has been linked to a multitude of health issues, including heart disease and lung cancer. Everyday Health points out that these risks are even higher for seniors.

If you’re a smoker, consult your healthcare provider for methods that can help you quit, whether it’s medications, a smoking cessation program, or another path. Quitting apps and other digital resources can offer additional support and track your progress.

Emphasize Restful Sleep

A good night’s sleep is vital at any age, but many seniors experience sleep disturbances that affect their overall health. Room temperature, a consistent sleep schedule, and avoiding caffeine late in the day can work wonders for capturing better sleep.

There are also wearable devices to monitor your sleep patterns and give you insights into how to get deeper rest. These gadgets can even recommend the best time to wake up so you feel the most refreshed.

Cultivate Social Bonds

While important, physical well-being is just one facet of a rich and fulfilling life, especially in one’s later years. Emotional and social health are equally crucial, providing a sense of community and connectedness that can stave off feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Joining a book club, participating in group exercise classes, or pursuing other wellness activities not only can boost mental stimulation but also provide opportunities for meaningful social interaction. Moreover, the advent of technology has revolutionized the way we maintain our social circles.

Digital platforms that facilitate video calls or specialized social networks for seniors offer an accessible way to stay in touch with loved ones and meet new people. Such technological advances ensure that maintaining an active social life is not only possible but more convenient, even for those with mobility issues or other limitations.

Wrapping Up

Entering your golden years doesn’t mean you should compromise on your well-being. Being conscious of factors like hydration, alcohol consumption, checking into a rehab center if needed, tobacco use, sleep quality, and social connections can collectively contribute to a more satisfying and healthier life.

You have the opportunity to age gracefully and relish your senior years with the joy and vitality you deserve. Seize that opportunity, start applying these principles today, and keep looking for other healthy living strategies you can incorporate into your daily routine!


Regency Jewish Heritage Nursing and Rehabilitation creates a homelike environment for all its residents whether their stay is short or long-term. Connect with us today for more information! (732) 873-2000

Mastering the Juggle: Strategies for Senior Caregivers To Harmonize Work and Life

New article from the Regency Alliance on Senior Living – “Where Caring Comes to Life!”

Striking a balance among professional responsibilities, caring for elderly loved ones, and maintaining your personal life is no small feat. The aim of this Regency article is to offer useful insights to simplify this complex equation. Whether you’re a career-focused individual or a dedicated caregiver, these actionable tips will guide you through the labyrinth of responsibilities that come with senior caregiving, professional duties, and self-care.

Establish Clear Life Goals

The first step in managing the myriad responsibilities that come with work and caregiving is to define clear life goals. Knowing what is most important—be it a successful career, effective caregiving, or personal happiness—enables better decision-making.

It serves as the compass that guides action plans, resource allocation, and even day-to-day choices. Goals help you establish what to focus on and what you can set aside or delegate.

Upgrade Your Skills Through Remote Learning

Education never has to stop in the modern world. To improve your career prospects while juggling caregiving responsibilities, consider enrolling in an advanced master of science in nursing program through an online learning platform.

Online degrees offer the flexibility needed to manage your caregiving and career improvement simultaneously. Such qualifications give you access to a plethora of opportunities, such as advanced practice nursing, informatics, and administrative roles.

Streamline Tasks Through Technological Tools

Caregiving involves a lot of paperwork, which can quickly become overwhelming. Simplify the process by using a mobile scanning app to store and share your digital documents.

This approach ensures important papers are readily accessible and easy to share with other family members or healthcare providers. Eliminating physical clutter also makes for a more organized workspace, reducing your stress and making your caregiving more efficient.

Prioritize Your Personal Well-Being

The adage “You can’t pour from an empty cup” holds true, especially for caregivers. Personal health should not be compromised, as it serves as the foundation for all other activities.

In fact, in March of 2020, I wrote an article on our Regency corporate website regarding the importance of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep to help equip you with theenergy and mental clarity required to fulfill your roles effectively. In other words, your physical well-being directly correlates to the quality of care you provide. Read it here.

Develop a Robust Routine

Time is a limited resource. Efficiently allocating it can make all the difference in managing work, caregiving, and personal life.

A well-thought-out routine provides a structure that integrates all aspects of your life, from your career responsibilities to your caregiving tasks and self-care activities. A planned schedule will minimize conflicts to ensure punctuality and lower your stress levels.

Adopt Effective Organizational Strategies

You cannot rely solely on memory to manage your caregiving and professional tasks. Utilize organizational tools like digital calendars, to-do lists, and reminders to keep track of obligations. The likelihood of missing an important deadline or neglecting a caregiving duty drastically reduces by neatly laying out daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.

Leverage External Support Networks

It’s a myth that asking for help is a sign of weakness; it’s actually an indicator of resourcefulness and understanding one’s limitations. Outside support can be invaluable, whether it’s requesting family members to share caregiving responsibilities or hiring a professional caregiver. It provides a respite and ensures you can physically and emotionally recharge.

Cultivate Personal Interests

Life isn’t just about obligations and responsibilities. Make time for hobbies and interests for holistic well-being. Whether it’s painting, reading, or gardening, indulging in pleasurable activities provides a necessary break and serves as a potent form of mental rejuvenation. It also helps create a sense of personal accomplishment outside your work and caregiving roles.

Juggling professional responsibilities, caregiving for elderly loved ones, and personal care may seem like walking a tightrope. But the aforementioned strategies make harmonizing these varying demands significantly more manageable. Life is a balancing act, but you can master it with the right approach.

Creating a Fulfilling Life in a Senior Living Community: Key Steps for Seniors to Adapt and Thrive

Sponsored by The Regency Alliance On Senior Healthcare – Where Caring Comes to Life!

Transitioning to long-term care in a skilled nursing environment can be a challenging experience for seniors, but with the right mindset and approach, it can also be an opportunity for personal growth and improved well-being. In this Regency Jewish Heritage blog post, we’ll discuss several tips to help seniors make the most of their new homes and thrive in their new senior living community.

Be Patient with Yourself As You Adjust

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed during the first few weeks or even months after moving into an assisted living facility, or a long-term nursing home. To prevent these feelings from becoming too intense, try to give yourself time to adjust to your new surroundings. Remember that you’re embarking on a new chapter in your life, and it’s important to be patient with yourself as you navigate this change.

Make Your Space Feel Like Home

One way to make your new living situation feel more like home is to personalize your space. Bring along cherished items such as family photos, artwork, or keepsakes that hold special meaning for you. By surrounding yourself with familiar possessions, you can create a comforting atmosphere that helps ease the transition to senior living. In fact, we invite you to tour our beautiful facility at Regency Jewish Heritage in Somerset NJ. It is a home and a haven for many seniors who are living out their golden years in health and happiness. The first thing you’ll note as you enter their rooms in our “Levin” building wing on campus, is how the rooms are better described as their personal apartment. The living spaces are outfitted with many of their cherished personal items and reflect their individual personalities.

Focus on Staying Active

Staying physically active is crucial for maintaining good health, especially as you age. Many assisted living and skilled nursing communities offer a variety of activities and programs designed to promote physical fitness, such as exercise classes, walking clubs, or swimming pools. Take advantage of these opportunities to stay active and engaged, which will help improve your overall well-being.

Get the Lay of the Land

Familiarizing yourself with the routines and procedures of your long-term care community can help you feel more comfortable in your new environment. This may include learning about meal times, activity schedules, and any specific rules or guidelines that residents are expected to follow. Knowing what to expect each day can help alleviate anxiety and make the transition to senior assisted living smoother.

Get Social

One of the best ways to lift your spirits and feel more at home in your long-term living community is to make new friends. Attend social events and activities, strike up conversations with fellow residents, and be open to forming new connections. Building a support network within your new community can greatly improve your overall happiness and well-being.

Stay Organized to Reduce Stress

As you transition to a nursing home and senior living environment, maintaining organization of crucial documents related to your relocation is essential. The goal is to combine PDF files by digitizing these records and utilizing PDF tools to merge them into a single, manageable file format. This approach will not only aid in keeping you organized, but also facilitate the sharing of information with family members, caregivers, or any other parties involved.

Maintain Outside Connections

While making new friends is important, it’s also crucial to stay connected with your existing support network of family and friends. Regular phone calls, video chats, and visits can help prevent feelings of isolation and ensure that you maintain strong ties with those who care about you. Staying in touch with loved ones can provide a sense of comfort and stability during this time of transition.

Transitioning to a senior living community can be a challenging experience for seniors, but with the right approach and mindset, it can also be an opportunity for personal growth and improved well-being. By giving yourself time to adjust, personalizing your space, and connecting with new friends, you can make the most of your new home and thrive in your nursing home, or long-term care setting. Embrace this new chapter of your life with optimism and enthusiasm, and you’ll soon discover the many benefits that a senior long-term care community has to offer.

For More Information on Regency Nursing and Long-Term Living Communities in New Jersey, please CONTACT US TODAY!

5 Ways Seniors Can Improve Physical and Mental Health. By: Regency Nursing Centers NJ

As you age, taking care of your physical and mental health becomes increasingly more important. However, the process can be overwhelming if you aren’t sure where to start. Consider these six tips from Regency Jewish Heritage Post-Acute, Rehab and Nursing Center in Somerset NJ (Part of The Regency Alliance on Senior Care, “Where Caring Comes to Life!”) to help you get going, and you’ll be on the fast track to feeling better.

  1. Finding the Perfect Hobby

Too much downtime can be a real problem after retirement. Start thinking about what you love to do with your time. Hobby Zeal notes that you could take up collecting something you’re passionate about or learn to work with your hands doing something like carpentry. If you’re an artistic person, consider painting or pottery. You can even take classes and meet new friends.

  1. Exercising With Purpose

Exercising can be a multi-task project. For example, gardening can function as exercise and provide you with nutritious fruits and vegetables for your diet. Research cited by You Should Grow shows that pulling weeds, raking, shoveling, and harvesting all burn a significant amount of calories. Plus, you get the added benefit of soaking up vitamin D from the sun.

  1. Talking to a Nutritionist About Diet

Not all diets are meant to be the same. While there are many things that are universally good for your health, there are many healthy things that would not fit into everyone’s diet. For example, fruit is healthy, but it’s not a great source of nutrients for a person with diabetes. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist about what foods you should incorporate into your diet.

  1. Learning Something New

Do something you’ve never done before to keep yourself mentally stimulated. For example, if you’ve never been an outdoors person, try hiking to see if you might change your mind. If you’re concerned about safety, look into available medical equipment to make it easier. Ask your grandchildren what they like to do. You may even spend a day playing video games and find out you love it, and you get to sneak in much-needed quality time simultaneously.

  1. Volunteering Your Time

Volunteering is a great way to boost your mental health and help your community. Giving back can make you feel appreciative of what you have and thankful that you can make a difference in the world. You’ll also make friends along the way and be part of a larger community. You may even find a cause you feel passionate about and start to dedicate yourself to something bigger than yourself.

To place your loved one at the 5-Star Regency Heritage Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, located in Somerset NJ, visit:

How Technology Can Help You Look After Your Loved Ones

With the pandemic keeping us all indoors and away from our elderly loved ones (whether they are living at home, or in a skilled nursing facility), it has become increasingly important to properly harness technology as an effective means of communication.

To this end, our friend, Claire Wentz, from Caringfromafar, has written this exclusive article for our Regency readers. Thank you Claire!

How Technology Can Help You Care for Loved Ones Without Breaking the Bank

It’s often said that thanks to modern technology, the world has gotten smaller and people are now more connected than ever before. While this is arguably true in more ways than one, it can make for bittersweet situations. One can now move further away from family members and feel more comfortable as there are now more opportunities to stay connected. But on the flip side, loved ones like seniors and those with medical conditions are deprived of the physical care and attention they need.

Still, this doesn’t change the fact that their needs must be met, and you can take advantage of technology and the internet. This will not only help you bridge the gap, but it can also be indispensable in ensuring that your loved ones’ myriad needs are met, even from a distance, and without sacrificing your budget to boot. Here’s how.

Shop online for their needs.

No doubt, it’s the lack of physical connection that will be hardest for you and your loved ones, especially as it pertains to care. But just because you’re physically absent doesn’t mean that you can’t provide for their physical needs from afar. In fact, you can already purchase anything that your loved ones may need (e.g., groceries, medication) to make their lives more comfortable—from wherever you are in the world shipped straight to their doorstep, no less. It is for this reason that online shopping has become a real godsend, and it will serve you and your loved ones to really make use of it.

As a bonus, online shopping also comes with a good number of ways to save. For instance, Rakuten offers some tips on how to save at Target. Tips include getting a 5-percent discount by simply signing up for the Target REDcard. Better still, you save on hefty shipping fees for online purchases; plus they offer a time extension for returns. Downloading the Target app also is also worthwhile as you’ll never miss out on coupons and special discounts.

Stay connected.

Of course, probably the best use of technology when you’re taking care of a loved one long distance is communication. To date, there are countless apps available that you can use to constantly stay connected with your loved ones. Best of all, the only thing they make a dent on is your internet bandwidth, which is often negligible. It goes without saying that a substantial or even unlimited data plan is worth the minimal investment.

The apps are almost always completely free, too—or at least, cost mere cents. At present, most of these calling apps have video-calling, which is undoubtedly the next best thing to you being in the same room. You don’t even have to worry if seniors are comfortable using the technology as the best ones are very user-friendly, adaptable, and intuitive.

Wait, there’s more.

And while still on the subject of apps, it’s a real treat to note that there’s an app for just about any function you can think of when it comes to long-distance caregiving. There are handy apps that can be set up to ensure that they never miss a dose of their medication. There are also others that keep track of their blood pressure and sugar levels (to name a few) and would even alert you in emergencies, like falls.

It’s more than wise, therefore, to explore the most useful apps that will help you take care of your loved one from afar. Again, most are free or cost no more than a few dollars to buy, so you can give several a whirl and zero in on the ones that work best for you and your ward.

The world can seem big and overwhelming, especially when you’re away from the people you care for. But really, there’s truth in technology making it smaller, and with the right, budget-friendly tools and apps in your devices, you and your loved ones will definitely benefit from it.

Guidelines for Colon Cancer Screenings Updated

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has updated its guidelines for colorectal cancer, the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the US. It has lowered the age at which screening should start from 50 to 45, for people with an average risk of the disease. Those at higher risk, for example, people who have a family history of colorectal cancer or a personal history of inflammatory bowel disease, should start screening even earlier.

The revision was prompted by the results of an ACS study which found that colorectal cancer rates have been steadily increasing in young Americans. Even people in their twenties now have surprisingly high risk: someone who is twenty-eight years old today has four times the risk of colorectal cancer as someone who is sixty-eight years old.

There are several ways to screen for colorectal cancer. The ACS does not favor any of the tests any other. Instead, it advises people to discuss the various options with their doctor to determine which option is best for them.

According to the ACS, the five-year survival rate for colorectal cancer is 90% — if the cancer is discovered before it spreads. Unfortunately, today only 39% of cases are diagnosed at this early stage.

Early detection, which begins with early screening, is expected to make a huge difference in outcome for those with the disease.

At the Regency Nursing and Rehabilitation Centers, we offer the very best care — including preventive care — in a patient-centered environment. This means following our residents’ health carefully, listening to them, and respecting their capabilities, while helping them to achieve maximum functionality and independence

We also maintain the highest professional and quality standards in our staff and our facilities. Our 25 years of excellent care have led to us being awarded a Best Nursing Homes award by US News & World Today, a 5-Star rating by USA Today, and an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau, among many other awards.

Contact us by clicking here to see which of our three facilities will best meet your needs or the needs of your loved one.

The Most Common Mistakes when Using an Inhaler

Inhalers are a daily fact of life for tens of millions of Americans, including 11 million with asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Nevertheless, studies show that two-thirds of people do not use their inhaler correctly.

Research at the Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston, Texas identified nine separate steps required for using an inhaler, and found that no patient they studied — including those who had been using inhalers for years — had proper technique.

What happens when inhalers are used incorrectly? A study at Rice University found that without proper technique, only 7% to 40% of medication actually reaches the lungs of an inhaler user.

The most common mistakes include:

  1. Not shaking the inhaler enough before using it. An inhaler contains both medication and propellant. It needs to be shaken 10-15 times before each use in order to combine them thoroughly.
  2. Positioning the inhaler incorrectly. A deviation of as little as 5 degrees from the correct position can cause the medication to remain in the mouth, rather than reaching the lungs. Using a spacer aids in avoiding this problem.
  3. Inhaling and exhaling too quickly. To properly reach the lungs, each puff should be inhaled for approximately five seconds, held in for ten seconds, then breathed out through the mouth for ten seconds.
  4. Taking a second puff too soon. If instructions are to take two puffs of an inhaler, it is important to allow the first puff enough time to open the passageways so that the second puff can reach further. Taking that second puff too soon is not merely useless, it can lead to trembling and shakiness rather than relief.
  5. Not cleaning the inhaler. The plastic mouthpiece of the inhaler should be rinsed at least once a week. This removes build-up of medication that can block a full dosage of spray.

Using a spacer aids in avoiding both the problem of positioning and of inhaling too quickly.

Asthma and COPD lead not only to increased mortality, but also to reduced quality of life. Managing them properly is essential. COPD sufferers should enroll in a pulmonary rehabilitation program in order to exercise their lungs, increase their fitness, as well as learn how to manage their disease with medications, including proper usage of their inhaler.

At the Regency Nursing and Rehabilitation Centers, we offer the very best of care in the most appropriate and patient-centered environment. This means always listening to our residents and patients and respecting their capabilities, while helping them to achieve maximum functionality and independence. And always maintaining the highest professional and quality standards in our staff and our facilities. Our 25 years of excellent care have led to us being awarded a Best Nursing Homes award by US News & World Today, a 5-Star rating by USA Today, and an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau, among many other awards.

Contact us by clicking here to see which of our three facilities will best meet your needs or the needs of your loved one.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Affects the Entire Body

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is usually associated with pain and swelling in the joints. However, it can cause long-term damage throughout the body.

Unlike osteoarthritis, which is a wear-and-tear disease, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. This means that RA causes the immune system to attack healthy tissue as though it were diseased tissue. RA is also an inflammatory disease, meaning that it causes inflammation in healthy tissue. Finally, RA is a systemic disease, meaning that the inflammation it causes can wreak havoc throughout the body, particularly if the disease is untreated.

The inflammation of RA can affect different parts of the body in a variety of ways.

The Joints

Although RA is usually associated with the joints in the hands and feet, it can also affect joints throughout the body, including the spine, the neck, the shoulders, the hips, the knees, and the ankles.

RA usually targets the synovium, the lining of the joints, inflaming it and causing it to swell. This leads to pain and stiffness in the affected joint. The inflammation also causes the cartilage between the bones to break down, causing severe pain and permanent damage in those with advanced RA.

The Nerves

The inflammation of RA can compress nerves, particularly in the hands or feet. If RA attacks the wrist, it can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

The Brain

Psychological and neurological symptoms, such as depression, brain fog, and behavioral or cognitive changes, can occur with RA. These are sometimes a result of nerve compression due to inflammation in the joints, or may result from systemic inflammation throughout the body. Medications for RA may also lead to cognitive issues.

The Heart

RA can cause life-threatening inflammation in the heart and blood vessels. Untreated, RA can lead to anemia, headaches, and fatigue. RA’s inflammation can damage the blood vessels, allowing plaque to build up more easily inside the arteries, leading to an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. The lining of the heart can also become inflamed, causing chest pain.

The Lungs

RA affects the lungs 80% of the time, though it is not usually severe enough to cause symptoms. Some people, however, have enough lung inflammation to develop pulmonary fibrosis, a scarring of the lung tissue which can cause breathing difficulties.

The Bones

RA can cause osteoporosis, which is a loss of bone density and increase in bone brittleness. As is common with osteoporosis, it can lead to an increased risk of bone fracture.

RA is a progressive disease, and if left untreated, the symptoms will increase in severity, spread to other parts of the body, or both.

The most important action someone with RA can take is to see a doctor who will tailor a treatment plan for their symptoms. The plan should maximize the person’s mobility, while minimizing their pain and slowing the progression of their disease.

At the Regency Nursing and Rehabilitation Centers, we offer the very best of care in a patient-centered environment. This means following our residents’ health carefully, listening to them, and respecting their capabilities, while helping them to achieve maximum functionality and independence — and always maintaining the highest professional and quality standards in our staff and our facilities. Our 25 years of excellent care have led to us being awarded a Best Nursing Homes award by US News & World Today, a 5-Star rating by USA Today, and an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau, among many other awards.

Contact us by clicking here to see which of our three facilities will best meet your needs or the needs of your loved one.

Finding Dangerous Inflammation with the ESR Test

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test is a commonly-administered blood test that can reveal inflammatory processes in the body. The test measures how quickly red blood cells sink to the bottom of a test tube of blood. Inflammation causes higher amounts of protein in the blood, causing red blood cells to “clump.” These clumps are heavier than regular blood cells, and therefore settle to the bottom of the test tube at a faster rate in people afflicted with inflammatory diseases.

Although the ESR test is nonspecific, meaning the specific cause of the inflammatory response is not indicated by the test, it nevertheless informs the doctor of the need for further testing to determine the cause of inflammation.

The normal reference range for ESR is 1-13 mm/hr for males and 1-20 mm/hr for females. The normal range changes with age, as is expected since some degree of increased inflammation is usually found among older people. But for those whose ESR level falls outside of the normal range, the possibility of disease requires further investigation.

People with low ESR levels may suffer from leukemia; congestive heart failure; or an increase in blood thickness, known as hyperviscosity; among other conditions.

People with elevated ESR levels may suffer from any of a number of inflammatory diseases, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, thyroid disease, kidney disease, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.

While ESR levels outside of the normal range do not always indicate serious illness, an out-of-range result will alert your doctor to check for underlying conditions.

With the availability of so many tests that can uncover potentially serious conditions, it is important to be proactive, visit your doctor regularly, and be willing to withstand the discomfort of a needle prick in exchange for the important information a blood test can provide. The earlier the diagnosis of any condition, the greater the likelihood of a good outcome.

At the Regency Nursing and Rehabilitation Centers, we offer the very best of care in a patient-centered environment. This means following our residents’ health carefully, listening to them, and respecting their capabilities, while helping them to achieve maximum functionality and independence — and always maintaining the highest professional and quality standards in our staff and our facilities. Our 25 years of excellent care have led to us being awarded a Best Nursing Homes award by US News & World Today, a 5-Star rating by USA Today, and an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau, among many other awards.

Contact us by clicking here to see which of our three facilities will best meet your needs or the needs of your loved one.