Exciting news From Regency Nursing Centers!

We are proud to announce that we are now officially COVID-19 FREE! in all Regency Nursing Centers

…and it hasn’t gone unnoticed!

Here are a few emails we have received over the past several days:

“God bless the Regency Heritage. My Mom was a patient after being diagnosed with covid 19 and as a family we chose your facility. I cant express my gratitude for the loving and dedicated care she was given. Heartfelt thanks to Sarah Ward, Catherine, Josephine Alonzo, and many more of your staff that I regret not remembering everyone’s name. My Mom was admitted after hospitalization and re-admitted after second hospitalization. Gloria guided us to the right path…”


“On behalf of the ____family, we want too say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all our extended Regency family/staff/WARRIOR ANGELS for working hard to keep my Mom and all the residents safe. You are all amazing *AND* we will continue to keep everyone in our daily prayers. 

Truly blessed and thankful, Anna.”


“Regency is the best, we would not choose any other facility for our loved ones!

God bless

Cindy H”


We are still going strong at our locations with networking events and small tokens of appreciation for our heroic staff.

This is an outdoor thank you day  event we hosted this week at Regency Grande in Dover, NJ.

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